How are Buzzagogo remedies different?

There are a billion cold, flu and allergy remedies on the market: sprays, pills, syrups, supplements and more. Attempting to analyze them all for potential benefit, or lack of, would take ages. One thing is certain, we all get sick and we all want something to make us feel better. On average adults get some sort of upper respiratory illness 3-4 times a year and kids can get between 9-12! That’s a lot of downtime feeling pretty miserable.
Let me share a little story that is just one of the factors that led to the creation of Buzzagogo and our remedies. When I was a school teacher I used to get sick every single month. When I was younger I had a nuisance arrhythmia that was considered benign. One month in my early 30’s I had the most rotten cold. I broke down and took a traditional pill form cold remedy. I had taken it many times before despite the fact that it rarely provided relief much beyond twenty minutes of free breathing or slightly dulling the pain of my sore throat. This time however, I felt something different. This time I felt the side effect of a racing heart. It went on for several hours and became so alarmingly severe that I wound up in an emergency room getting cardio-converted. That was a terrifying ride. Unfortunately, it didn’t work and my heart kept on racing until the meds finally wore off. Potent stuff. Hours of side effects for twenty minutes of free breathing. This did not feel like an equitable trade off. The ER doctors, and later my own cardiologist, confirmed that this was an extremely common reason for visiting the ER. Especially for kids under the age of 16.
See this study about kids and OTC cold meds:
This event sent me on the path of exploring every natural remedy and supplement I could find. Suffering through a monthly cold as a teacher is no fun and I needed relief. Then once my daughter was home from Vietnam, freshly healing from her cardiac surgery and deemed immunocompromised, my mission took on a whole new urgency. I needed to find something natural that would relieve symptoms as well as help the nose stay in top fighting form. As I learned about the importance of the Nasal Biome in protecting us from germs I decided that a nasal targeted product was the best and most logical solution. However, every product found was loaded with chemicals, alcohol or excessive saline in order to change its viscosity so it could be a spray, swab or syrup. All of those ingredients can then sterilize the nose, altering the beneficial flora, which in turn makes you more susceptible to infection! Read more about nasal immune function here.
See this study about how critical nasal biodiversity is to avoiding infection:
So, I applied my lifelong, obsessive knowledge of apitherapy ( bee products as medicine) to my knowledge of the nasal biome and invented Cold Bee Gone/ Allergy Bee Gone Nasal Swab Remedies. I embedded homeopathic cold, flu and allergy relief medications into a proprietary super honey blend. The medicine provides relief for active symptoms and the honey helps support nasal immune function.
It is a complete solution that addresses respiratory illness of all kinds, from every angle.
Helps without hurting.
Heals without destruction.
Safe for the entire family, over the age of four.
- 70+ doses for one little tube.
Now, for ten years I’ve been teaching people about the healing properties of honey as well as how critical the nose is to immune health. Today, with the pandemic, everyone has learned the germs colonize in the nose. So make sure your nose is as healthy as it can be!
Protect your Booger Biome so it can protect you!